Air Pollution Control residues
Air Pollution Control Residues
As a leading company for the treatment of APCr, we have significantly expanded our recycling capacity in recent years.
Castle Environmental currently process approximately 100,000 tonnes per annum of APCr across its 3 sites. Collection is made through powder tankers or bulk bags, on a 24/7 basis. Through a number of end of waste applications and novel technologies, we continue to provide year-on-year growth in the volume of APCr.
The majority of residues received are Calcium Hydroxide-based, but we are also able to treat Sodium Carbonate-based APCr. This service is of unique value to our customers, given the scarcity of UK-based treatment options for non-Calcium Hydroxide-based residues.
We have a high capacity for processing APCr and can collect in powder tankers or bulk bags on a 24/7 basis, also offering the option to recycle residues.