Air Pollution Control residues


Air Pollution Control Residues

As a leading company for the treatment of APCr, we have significantly expanded our recycling capacity in recent years.

Castle Environmental currently process approximately 100,000 tonnes per annum of APCr across its 3 sites. Collection is made through powder tankers or bulk bags, on a 24/7 basis. Through a number of end of waste applications and novel technologies, we continue to provide year-on-year growth in the volume of APCr.

The majority of residues received are Calcium Hydroxide-based, but we are also able to treat Sodium Carbonate-based APCr. This service is of unique value to our customers, given the scarcity of UK-based treatment options for non-Calcium Hydroxide-based residues.

Man in a yellow high-vis jacket cleaning APCr processing machinery at a UK hazardous waste management company in Derbyshire

We have a high capacity for processing APCr and can collect in powder tankers or bulk bags on a 24/7 basis, also offering the option to recycle residues.

Simon Spiteri

Simon Spiteri sales director for Castle Environmental. A UK hazardous waste management company headquartered at Ilkeston in Derbyshire. Castle also has sites in the West Midlands and South Wales, and serves industrial and commercial business across the UK with waste collection, treatment, disposal and recycling solutions.



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